Feminists Fighting for Equality on Twitter

Video Transcript: Hi everyone! My name’s Brianna Ferguson and this is my ethnography research project about Feminism on Twitter.  Feminists are classified as those who focus on achieving equality of the sexes. For years upon years this group has struggled to bring attention to a specific set of goals such as eliminating the pink tax, … More Feminists Fighting for Equality on Twitter

K-Pop Twitter’s Influence on Social Activism

Video Transcript:Hi, I’m Sophia, and my research surrounds the subculture of K-Pop fans on Twitter in relation to social media activism in the U.S. K-Pop is a relatively new genre of music that has entered mainstream U.S. charts (i.e. Billboard), and has a very large presence on social media sites like Twitter. K-Pop is Korean pop … More K-Pop Twitter’s Influence on Social Activism