Hypebeast Subculture

Transcript I’m Guillermo and for my ethnography project I researched the “Hypebeast” subculture.  The term hypebeast defines a community of trendsetters and trends followers that are constantly changing the norms of society. The members of this community are very present on social media, especially on Instagram.  Millions of people like myself are consumers of hypebeast … More Hypebeast Subculture

Ruff and Tumble: Motivation Behind Investment in Canine Sports

Video transcript: What makes people passionate about activities they choose to engage in? What motivates you? I chose to study the dog training and competition subculture. Members of my extended family have been enthusiastically engaged in these competitions for nearly two decades. My observations over the years have led me to wonder about the reasons … More Ruff and Tumble: Motivation Behind Investment in Canine Sports