Travel Subculture on Reddit

Video Transcript: Hello! My name is Kate d., and I conducted ethnographic research on a travel subculture found on the platform Reddit. Created in early 2008, the diverse and passionate community has over 5.5 million travelers and thousands of posts consisting of photographs, videos, blogs, and journal entries which encapsulate their trips and excursions.  However, … More Travel Subculture on Reddit

Sneakerhead Subculture Ethnography Project

Hi! I’m Ella P. and my project delves into the topic of the sneakerhead subculture and how community hype on social media affects the culture.  At the beginning of this class I chose the sneakerhead subculture to research for my ethnography project. I originally came across the subculture on TikTok but I also commonly see … More Sneakerhead Subculture Ethnography Project

Subculture of political activists in Kazakhstan

Video Transcript: I conducted my research on political opposition activists in Kazakhstan. The subculture of activists and protesters against corrupt and dictatorial politics is one of the largest subcultures in Kazakhstan. However, despite this fact, the main constituent of the subculture is the millennium and the younger generation in general. Therefore, the question that interested … More Subculture of political activists in Kazakhstan

Conducting Fieldwork

Online Observations, Artifact Collection & Fieldnotes. Over multiple visits this semester, you will observe members of your subculture online. During your observations, you will take screenshots of the content they create and share, including but not limited to members’ profile information; written text, images, and videos created and shared; and the reactions, comments, and conversations. … More Conducting Fieldwork