Video Gaming Subculture

This paper will analyze the differences between a professional video gamer and someone who plays video games for fun, the amount of money that professional gamers actually generate, and if you could actually call video gaming a career. To answer these questions, this study compared the habits of professional gamers and non-professional gamers, the many ways that a video gamer can generate their own income, and how gaming can actually be a full-time job. The results show that professional gamers actually dedicate most of their time to gaming while a regular gamer just plays once a day for a little while. Additionally, this study found that gamers have many ways to generate large amounts of income for themselves, whether that may be streaming on platforms like Twitch or YouTube, being a part of an e-sports team or league, and participating in large tournaments and winning the big prize. This paper concludes by recommending that video gaming can indeed be a professional career for anyone but it does take lots of effort and time.

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